Download all nuget packages to your local server using powershell

by Damiaan Peeters 21. January 2013 09:02

Some time ago I found this script to download the nuget Packages to you local server.  Just for a reference I’ll put it the blog. They way I run this is using the Windows Powershell ISE.


I don’t remember where I got the link from.  But I do know when.  That was when nuget was out and I had no way of retrieving missing packages.  Since then, I run this script to our local NAS from time to time.

The Powershell Source

# --- settings ---
$feedUrlBase = ""
# the rest will be params when converting to funclet
$latest = $true
$overwrite = $false
$top = 1500 #use $top = $null to grab all or a number to get TOP 500 packages
# $destinationDirectory = join-path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")) "NuGetLocal"
$destinationDirectory = "L:\TEMP\NuGetLocal"

# --- locals ---
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

# --- functions ---

# download entries on a page, recursively called for page continuations
function DownloadEntries {
param ([string]$feedUrl)
$feed = [xml]$webClient.DownloadString($feedUrl)
$entries = $feed.feed.entry
$progress = 0
foreach ($entry in $entries) {
    $url = $entry.content.src
    $fileName = $ + "." + $ + ".nupkg"
    $saveFileName = join-path $destinationDirectory $fileName
    $pagepercent = ((++$progress)/$entries.Length*100)
    if ((-not $overwrite) -and (Test-Path -path $saveFileName))
        write-progress -activity "$fileName already downloaded" `
                       -status "$pagepercent% of current page complete" `
                       -percentcomplete $pagepercent
    write-progress -activity "Downloading $fileName" `
                   -status "$pagepercent% of current page complete" `
                   -percentcomplete $pagepercent

    [int]$trials = 0
    do {
        try {
            $trials +=1
            $webClient.DownloadFile($url, $saveFileName)
        } catch [System.Net.WebException] {
            write-host "Problem downloading $url `tTrial $trials `
                       `n`tException: " $_.Exception.Message
    while ($trials -lt 3)

  $link = $ | where { $_.rel.startsWith("next") } | select href
  if ($link -ne $null) {
    # if using a paged url with a $skiptoken like
    # http:// ... /Packages?$skiptoken='EnyimMemcached-log4net','2.7'
    # remember that you need to escape the $ in powershell with `
    return $link.href
  return $null

# the NuGet feed uses a fwlink which redirects
# using this to follow the redirect
function GetPackageUrl {
param ([string]$feedUrlBase)
$resp = [xml]$webClient.DownloadString($feedUrlBase)
return $resp.service.GetAttribute("xml:base")

# --- do the actual work ---

# if dest dir doesn't exist, create it
if (!(Test-Path -path $destinationDirectory)) {
    New-Item $destinationDirectory -type directory

# set up feed URL
$serviceBase = GetPackageUrl($feedUrlBase)
$feedUrl = $serviceBase + "Packages"
if($latest) {
    $feedUrl = $feedUrl + "?`$filter=IsLatestVersion eq true"
    if($top -ne $null) {
        $feedUrl = $feedUrl + "&`$orderby=DownloadCount desc&`$top=$top"

while($feedUrl -ne $null) {
    $feedUrl = DownloadEntries $feedUrl

Certified Umbraco Master, Part of Umbraco Certified partner comm-it, .Net and Azure developer, seo lover. Magician in my spare time.

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