by Damiaan Peeters
15. September 2008 13:03
I know people die. That is the way of live when you are old.
But life can be cruel.
There are no words when thing like this happen. Therefore I dedicate this (short) blog post to Patrick Tisseghem (+ 3 september 2008).
I wish lots of strenght to his family, friend and co-workers.
by Damiaan Peeters
8. September 2008 17:27
I was surfing today and I noticed that some web sites of big companies where using .Net.
This doesn't mean that .Net is there main technology, but the extension is at least used in the URL...
They use it in the FAQ's... here
Fabricom GTI (Suez)
At their main page:
At their main site...
Probably they are not really using .Net, but it is a .Net file on there domain anyway...
On this survey link: