by Damiaan Peeters
11. March 2011 19:36
So I followed these steps to activate MySQL 5.5 on our websitepanel deployment.
The current version of Websitepanel (1.1.0) doesn’t support Mysql by default. However, with a few small changes you can get the Mysql version 5.5 to work.
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="MySql.Data" publicKeyToken="c567fc88969c44d" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
- Finally add and update the MySQL configuration in website panel. These where the values I used
- Internal Address:
- MySQL Installation Folder: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5
- Database Browser Logon URL:
- Root login: root
- Root password: our root password
There is still a bug with deleting the database. There are solutions available for this problem, but it’s not urgent for me. So I didn’t tried it.
by Damiaan Peeters
30. August 2010 12:53
So back to the example.
One of the first times you start, you get this screen:
The intentions are not hidden… The screen titles: “Promote Trillian!” Your users have just to push the buttons where they want to let the world know they are using Trillian. If they like your program, they have no reason no too…
by Damiaan Peeters
14. May 2010 11:22
We are evaluating Fogbugz, project tracking software. Because I consider ourself as a startup and we are only with 2 persons, we got it for free from FogBugz.
Our first 4 days are already very convincing. We both started with changing our filters to our own needs. Set up an support@… e-mail account which is automatically checked by FogBugz. We haven’t installed any special plug-ins until now.
The extensive FogBugz API makes you think the sky is the limit. If you can not find the features you need in some existing plug-in, you can write it yourself. Really. This is a very well documented API. Congratulations at the FogCreek team.
The Fogbugz Outlook plugin from “CNOC Informatiesystemen” is working very well, in our Outlook 2010, which i have installed on my pc.
More on fogbugz later…