by Damiaan Peeters
30. December 2008 11:33
Every tried to find out who is hosting a web site? You can't be sure, but you might get some idea when you look at the organization who supplied the IP address for the web site.
If you want a web site, you need a server and an Internet connection. To have an active Internet connection, you need of course a IP address.
The IANA delegates Internet resources to other regional organizations called a Regional Internet Registry. IANA manages also the DNS Root and information about top level domains (as country codes and .com, .org and .biz). If you ever have 2 minutes: you should read the "IANA is attacking me" page on their web site.
Like mentioned before, it is not IANA allocating the IP Addresses to your web hosting company. There are 5 regional organizations called RIRs allocating the IP addresses to your web hosting company. Currently there are 5 RIRs.
- APNIC - Asia Pacific NIC
- RIPE NNC - Europe NIC
- ARIN - American NIC
- AfriNIC African NIC
- LACNIC Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry
Instead of performing a reverse DNS lookup, you can look up more information on one of the NIC’s web sites above to determine the owner of the "netblock" that IP is related to.
by Damiaan Peeters
6. December 2007 17:04
Today I found the How Do I in C# series on MSDN. The How Do I in series are a great way to get started with task-based topics for any C# programmer and application developer.
At this moment the Windows Applications (How Do I in C#) page. This page links to help on widely used Windows applications tasks.
Windows Applications (How Do I in C#)